Norman Mangold Project
The Norman Mangold project has been a project spanning over 15 years. Please see his artist biography listed on this website. Norman Mangold Biography We are currently documenting all pictures in private collections.
This newspaper article assisted with the location of many of his pictures. 2003 November 27 Fremont Tribune, Tracking Down an Artist, by Tammy Real-McKeighan, Section B, page 5 continued B6. The article describes the research of the artist, Norman Eugene Mangold by Smith, who is developing a biography, timeline and catalogue of images for Joslyn and area libraries. (With 3 photographs - Smith, Mangold at Work, and Rick Kavich with his grandfathers portrait by Mangold.) This article was picked up by AP.
Please consider having us review your picture by Norman Mangold. Thank you for your consideration
Copyright November 2004 Janet Gwendolyn Smith
Copyright 2004-2024 Janet Gwendolyn Smith Art
All artwork is copyright of the respective owner or artist.
© 2004-2024
Janet Gwendolyn Smith Art